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What are the advantages of transformer powder metallurgical iron core

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What are the advantages of transformer powder metallurgical iron core

Date:2017-05-12 Author: Click:

 The commonly used Transformer cores are generally Silicon steel cores made of Silicon steel sheets. Silicon steel is a Silicon steel(also known as Silicon) with a Silicon content of 0.8 to 4.8 <UNK>. The transformer core is made of Silicon steel because Silicon steel itself is a magnetic material with strong magnetic conductivity. In the through coil, it can produce a greater magnetic induction, which can reduce the size of the Transformer.
The hysteresis loss is the iron loss caused by the hysteresis phenomenon during the magnetization process of the iron core. The size of the hysteresis loss is proportional to the size of the area surrounded by the hysteresis loop of the material. Silicone steel has a small hysteresis loop, and it can be used as a transformer core with less hysteresis loss, which can greatly reduce its heating degree.
The iron core used as a transformer is generally 0.35 mm thick cold-rolled Silicon steel sheet. According to the size of the required iron core, it is cut into long pieces, and then folded into a "Japanese" shape or a "mouth" shape. From the point of view, if the vortex is reduced, the thinner the thickness of the Silicon steel sheet, the narrower the spliced strip, the better the effect. This not only reduces the eddy current loss, reduces the temperature rise, but also saves the materials used for Silicon steel sheets.


This is because the flaky core can reduce another kind of iron damage-`` Eddy current loss. " When the Transformer is working, there is an alternating current in the coil, and the flux it produces is of course alternating. This changing flux generates an induced current in the core. The induced current generated in the core circulates in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the flux, so it is called Eddy current. The eddy current loss also causes the core to heat up. In order to reduce Eddy current loss, the core of the Transformer is used with each other? Insulated Silicon steel sheets are folded so that the eddy current is in a narrow loop and passes through a small section to increase the resistance of the vortex flow path; At the same time, the Silicon in Silicon steel increases the resistivity of the material and also reduces the eddy current.
In fact, when making Silicon steel core. It is not only based on the above-mentioned favorable factors, because the production of iron cores in that way will greatly increase the processing time, but also reduce the effective cross section of the iron core. Therefore, when using Silicon steel sheet to make Transformer core, we must proceed from the specific situation, weigh the pros and cons, and choose the best size.




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